
平面设计方案参考指南我们的世界是被设计好的. 平面设计师已经在虚拟的外观 everything you see that is not a part of the natural world: signs, logos, products, 网站、产品包装、专辑封面、出版物. 这样的例子不胜枚举. 甚至 一个汤罐展示了设计师的作品.

Graphic designers plan, analyze and create visual solutions to communications problems. They use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and layout techniques to communicate a message, whether it is in print or digital media.

Our graphic design program lets your talent flourish giving you a solid and broad art background, including design foundations, drawing, color theory, photography, printmaking, design software, web design, typography, and other graphic design courses.


Our Associate in Applied Science degree gives you ready access to jobs in the graphic 设计领域. Graphic designers with a broad liberal arts education and experience in marketing and business management will be best suited for positions developing 传播策略.



The skills test must be completed/passed before the semester you plan to enroll in GDES160(只在春季提供). 学生可以参加一次技能评估 每学期.

If a student requires ADA accommodations, they must present a form from the ACCESS office that outlines the needed accommodations at least 2 days prior to their testing 日期. If accommodations cannot be made within reason or in time, another testing 日期 会被选中吗.



参观 MoSCORES网站 for information on 十大娱乐彩票平台's programs, including length, credit hours, and wage and employment data. 搜索 都会社区学院. Note: The historical data listed is informational and can vary based on the number of credit hours students earn, local wage conditions and other factors.


许多十大娱乐彩票平台学生计划转学. 无论你的目的地是哪里,我们都会一起工作 以确保你的信用可以轻松转移. 这就是为什么我们是这方面的专家.

We've worked out specific transfer agreements with many four-year colleges and universities, so make sure you speak with an academic advisor before enrolling, particularly since transfer agreements can change based on curriculum revisions.



